Reducing risk with continuous delivery

In this talk I outline what continuous delivery is, and explore some case studies from a range of companies who practice continuous delivery and how they benefit from it.
This should give you a clear idea of how continous delivery reduces risk on software projects and make it easier for you to explain the benefits of this approach to your colleagues.
This is part of a series of talks and blog posts reflecting on the practices that we use at in our teams at FutureLearn.
Note: This talk was originally written by Tom Ward as an internal talk at FutureLearn as part of our communications about why we were using continuous delivery.
📊 Slides
Further watching and reading
- Implementing Continuous Delivery in Reverse
Jonathan Hall outlines how to successfully switch to Continuous Delivery - Continuous delivery at FutureLearn
Tom Ward outlines how we used continuous delivery when developing the FutureLearn platform
This is part of a series of talks and articles about the work and practices of my teams and I at FutureLearn.