- Respect your time, or no one else will
Brian Fink on why it is so important to manage your time - How to break the cycle of firefighting
Jesal Gadhia, reminds us that we need to think at multiple levels in order to make systematic change - How engineering leaders can better organize their day
"You can’t afford to overlook the importance of having a plan for how you should spend your work time. If you don’t, you’ll get caught fighting fires and dealing with unplanned issues." — Harry Guinness - Three ways to make time for reflection as an engineering leader
Pat Kua on the importance of taking time to reflect - Why are you so busy?
"Contrary to popular belief: back-to-back meetings isn't a badge of honour, it's a red flag." — Tom Lingham - Focus
Henrik Kniberg says, "stop saying (or thinking) 'I don’t have time'. You have LOTS of time, so it’s just a matter of deciding what you want to do with it" - Who’s got the monkey?
This classic article is a reminder of how important it is to be explicitly manage who has the initiative and not take it on without thinking - The most surprising principle of good leadership? Don’t be busy
Claire Lew's helpful reminder that one of the easiest mistakes to make as a leader is to be too busy
Recommended links about managing time
Resources to help you take control of your time so that you can lead effectively.