- Tiny demons
Barry Overeem shares a way of surfacing and working with your fears, doubts, and worries through playful drawings and conversations - 3 common reasons product teams get stuck (and how to get them unstuck)
Jackie Colburn on supporting your teams get unstuck - Collaboration isn't democracy
A helpful reminder from Jeff Gothelf - What makes a good away day?
"Do a small number of things well, not all the things", excellent advice from experienced facilitators Tessa Cooper and Nick Stanhope - Creating inclusion and safety through check-in questions
"Spending a few moments at the start of a meeting having a human moment of connection helps people to feel seen, heard and understood." — Rachael Shah - Opt for de-titled introductions
Jackie Colburn recommends leaving titles out of introductions when you are running workshops - How to facilitate a team roles and responsibilities workshop
Monica Viggars offers a guide to running this form of workshop - Facilitation techniques and workshop activities
Session Lab's library of techniques - Liberating structures
A library of exercises for facilitating conversations and workshops
Recommended links about facilitation
Recommended books, articles, sites, talks and podcasts about facilitation.